Category Archives: Humor

Breakfast “Hot Dogs” for #NationalHotDogDay

Faux Hot DogAre you prepared for National Hot Dog Day, this Wednesday, July 23rd? We sure are! While serious hot dog aficionados will have lunch and/or dinner covered, only the most hardcore fanatics would consider breakfast as part of the festivities. Frankly, we’re not THAT hardcore–but we’re close. Here’s our way of kicking off weeny day with a winning breakfast. Just cook up some pancakes in a rectangular shape (the bun), drop on a slice of bacon (the frank), and top with scrambled eggs (the mustard). Top it off however you’d like (maple syrup and chili sauce are optional), eat as is, or fold it up just like a real hot dog.Faux Hot Dog2

Faux Hot Dog3



This post was featured on Fatherhood² | Henry’s Blog earlier today. Feel free to read it there and stay long enough to explore the rest of his site!

Did you ever see one of those inflatable crazy dancing guys in front of a store? We drive pass one almost daily, and we’ve named him Crazy Guy. The kids have had a longtime obsession with Crazy Guy, going back as far as they can remember. Whenever we pile into the car, the first thing they ask is whether we’ll be driving past him. It’s always a letdown when he isn’t out dancing, so I try to rationalize that he’s likely just taking a nap or eating lunch. When I really want to get a rise out of my daughter, I’ll suggest that he’s at the beach, which absolutely infuriates her. She insists that Crazy Guy is not real. At the same time, she’s fallen hook, line, and sinker for our advent calendar filled with treats by sneaky elves that only work while we’re asleep.

As Crazy guy has aged, we’ve lamented that he’s become tattered by the elements. At one point, the top half of his head tore completely off. It doesn’t matter to the kids, who love him no matter how faded and ripped he becomes. So, when we drove by the other day and found a brand new Crazy Guy, bright red body glowing and yellow hair ablaze, the kids went bananas! My reaction was more along the lines of horror, as I anticipated the kids crying foul and classifying him as an impostor. However, they didn’t. They just thought he got a makeover.

We pulled over and decided to celebrate by taking a photo, which prompted a Verizon employee to come outside to enjoy some free entertainment.


We introduced ourselves to the nice man and explained how Crazy Guy has attained celebrity status in our home. He admitted that we’re not the only ones that are obsessed with him. In fact, it turns out he’s a big hit with just about any family that visits the store. In other words, their marketing strategy works! He went on to say that the store employees call him Fly Guy, which was fascinating because we always wondered about his real name. After a little digging around Amazon (no, I didn’t buy this American flag edition for the front yard, yet) I discovered that they are called Sky Dancers.

If you happen upon your own Crazy Guys, be sure to snap a picture or video with the hashtag #skydancing. I’d love to post some of your contributions on my blog. Let’s spread the crazy fun!

Watch our short skydancing videos on YouTube:

#Skydancing video on YouTube

#Skydancing Outtake

Be sure to find me on Facebook and Twitter for lots more Secret Dad Society content!

Final Dinovember Recap Photos

Well folks, Dinovember is officially over. We’ll miss those crazy guys. Here’s a recap of the days leading up to extinction.

Here comes December.

Here comes December.



Look- fresh meat!

Look- fresh meat!


Dinovember + Movember = Dinomovember!


Studying up on the Classics



Yep, that is definitely what it is for.

Yep, that is definitely what it is for.

One grande salted garlic latte. Whipped cream with that?

One grande salted garlic latte. Whipped cream with that?

Previously on Secret Dad Society:

Dinovember Update #1

It’s Dinovember!

Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter for more Secret Dad Society content!

Dinovember Update #1

If you’re not already following Secret Dad Society on Facebook and Twitter (hint, hint), then you’ve been missing all of the dinosaur hijinks going on at our headquarters. There’s plenty more mischief to be had, so be sure to tune in for more dino fun!

Here’s a recap of the last few days:

We've got our eyes on you...

We’ve got our eyes on you…

Our hero!

Our hero!

It's not at all what it seams.

It’s not at all what it seams.

Just foilin' around.

Just foilin’ around.

Whistlin' Dixie

Whistlin’ Dixie

"OK, who's the best swimmer?"

“OK, who’s the best swimmer?”

It’s Dinovember!

"OK, who's the best swimmer?"

“OK, who’s the best swimmer?”

Well, the month is half over and I’m just hearing about Dinovember, a month-long assault by toy dinosaurs that come alive each night to wreak havoc in homes around the world. It troubles me that I am just now hearing about this, when my love affair with dinos began over thirty years ago.

Is Dinovember news to you, too? Well, there’s no need to get your conifers in a twist, because plenty of time remains to get in on the action. Report sightings of dino-destruction near you by using the hashtag #dinovember. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to catch the Jurassic chaos here at Secret Dad Society – ROOOAAAARRRR!